Microsoft to do in outlook
Microsoft to do in outlook

I also keep track of some of my work through OneNote, but I haven't found a satisfying interface that keeps all the info from the e-mails in there either. I already tried creating a task in the task pane, then dragging the applicable e-mails into it, but then I have to do it manually each time I get responses to the mails and that is too tedious. Deliverable 2 (with project tag, deadline, etc.).link to shared files, 3d models etc (optional).

microsoft to do in outlook

Deliverable 1 (with project tag, deadline, etc.).In my ideal view, my task pane would look like this: It would be even more wonderful if the e-mailchains update themselves under the task headings as they grow. Have all e-mails appear under the task in the task pane.Assign multiple e-mails to this 1 task.So I want to create 1 task per deliverable and I was wondering if it was possible to: I use the tags feature to separate everything per project, but I really need to be able to follow up on each deliverable individually.

microsoft to do in outlook

This is difficult to keep the oversight of all my deliverables, however, especially as there are many and stretch over multiple projects. (basically exhausting all the features of Outlook Tasks). Now I just flag these mails as individual tasks, incl.

microsoft to do in outlook

Mostly, I have several e-mail chains ongoing that pertain to the same deliverable. My job involves having to produce deliverables, based on input that is coming via (among others) e-mails. I'm looking for a solution that helps me assign multiple e-mails to the same task.

Microsoft to do in outlook